Spa Girl Tri Race Day


You know the feeling when you are so excited you can't sleep, and you finally fall asleep but your awake? I was so surprised to feel that way the night before the race! I had anticipated being happy, but not so over the top excited I couldn't sleep.  Race day starts early... like zero dark thirty early.  My alarm on that morning was set for 4:30am & 4:45am, because our packets said that you could put your transition items down starting at 5:15am, and you needed to be at the pool by 7:00, and as to not over crowd the shuttle, it was best to be on said shuttle by 6:15 or so.  Being a first timer and all, I figured that I should not be trying to arrive in my usual fashionably late or just in time Robyn time.  With all the information online, and the facebook page, I had read that going to the race alone was totally normal and OK, because this particular race was choc full of friendly and encouraging women.  Let's just pause right there.  Confession real life with Robs talk : please understand, I love girls, but being a part of a large group of only women sometimes is my worst nightmare.  For whatever reason, Ive been more of a co-ed type crowd goer.  I am happy to report that I was overwhelmed with the encouragement and friendliness of everyone I met! And, to add to my joy, I even ran into some of my friends who were also doing the race, that I had no idea that were doing it! The actual race itself was sooooo fun! I have participated in a couple of 5k's and hero WODS via Crossfit BOLT, but this was different.  I loved the combination of the swim, bike, then run and proving to myself that I actually could participate in this. 


When I tell you that this type of activity is so far outside of my comfort zone, my words feel lacking in describing just how far outside it was for me! In hindsight, I believe that is precisely the reason, that I experienced the level of JOY that I did once I completed the event.  I also think it is because this is the first actual goal I remember setting and achieving.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I have just never been one for formal goal setting. Maybe it was fear, or my "big picture" personality, but this is my truth: I was 33 before I set and completed a tangible goal that I can remember.  


So dear reader, I challenge you.  Dare to do something different, a little scary, and rejoice when you've completed your race.   Big shout out to my loving friends and family! You came out, made signs, cheered, celebrated with me, and it made that day so very memorable. 
